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      Quick Order Form for Spinnakers on the Fly

      Wholesale order form for Spinnakers on the Fly

      Average monthly orders consists of:

      • Westcoast Peppermint 300 Refills
      • Angelwater Teabag 38 x 2
      • Sour Cherry Teabag 38 x 2
      • Express Chai Teabag 38 x 15
      • English Breakfast Teabag 38 x 10
      • Imperial Earl Grey Teabag 38 x 15
      • Tea Filter #1 1000 Bulk x 1 box

      Product SKU Price Quantity
      angelwater teabag angelwater teabag
      $15.99 Sizes
      angelwater teabag satchel / 12 teabags
      K-ANG-12-satchel $15.99
      westcoast peppermint herbal tea westcoast peppermint herbal tea
      from $12.99 Sizes
      westcoast peppermint herbal tea tin / 40cup
      WES-40cup-tin $12.99
      westcoast peppermint herbal tea tin / 80cup
      WES-80cup-tin $23.99
      westcoast peppermint herbal tea tin / mini-tin
      WES-mini-tin-tin $4.99
      westcoast peppermint herbal tea refill / 40cup
      WES-40cup-refill $12.49
      westcoast peppermint herbal tea refill / 80cup
      WES-80cup-refill $22.99
      westcoast peppermint herbal tea refill / 300cup
      WES-300cup-refill $44.99
      imperial earl grey teabag imperial earl grey teabag
      $18.99 Sizes
      imperial earl grey teabag satchel / 12 teabags
      K-IMP-12-satchel $18.99
      english breakfast teabag english breakfast teabag
      $15.99 Sizes
      english breakfast teabag satchel / 12 teabags
      K-ENG-12-satchel $15.99
      express chai teabag express chai teabag
      $15.99 Sizes
      express chai teabag satchel / 12 teabags
      K-EXP-12-satchel $15.99
      sour cherry teabag sour cherry teabag
      $18.99 Sizes
      sour cherry teabag satchel / 12 teabags
      K-SOU-12-satchel $18.99
      tea filters paper #1 bulk - 1000 pack tea filters paper #1 bulk - 1000 pack

      FIL;BULK1 $70.69