Teabags that are good for people & the planet
Our teabags are made of plant fibre & the entire teabag (including tag & string) are compostable. We wish this were the standard everywhere, but it’s actually quite rare. Most other teabags are either made from:
a) nylon or petroleum based compounds (which have recently been in the news due to the release of micro-plastics into the tea). Not only are there health concerns associated with these plastics leaving residues in your tea, but these materials are also not compostable.
b) tree pulp that is not coming from well managed forests focused on renewal. These also often contain staples, strings, tags or dyes that are not made of compostable material. So, the bag part can usually be composted but not unless the other parts are removed & most people don’t realize that so it creates issues when they are put into compost.
There are even more reasons to love our teabags…– We pack the teabags locally using our own teabag packaging equipment. Most brands don’t have their own teabag packing equipment & contract out to a third party that packages many different brands. Doing it ourselves ensures the highest level of freshness, quality control & prevents cross-contamination of our teas with brands that may contain artificial flavours, gluten, sweeteners, dairy, dyes or pesticides.
– Our teabag equipment is highly specialized & designed to protect tea’s freshness & flavour. It doesn’t crush, damage or heat tea leaves. This helps our tea retain maximum nutrient value & superior taste. Other teabag machines tend to damage, crush & overheat tea leaves during packaging, which leads to nutrient & flavour loss. Industry studies suggest that other teabag teas are already stale before they have left the packaging facility.
– What’s just as important as the premium, organic ingredients we select are the ones we never use – no artificial flavours, dyes, sweeteners, dairy, gluten or soy.
– Not only do artificial flavours lack the healthful properties of real ingredients, but they contain non-renewable resources which have a high carbon foot print. They are also often a hidden source of gluten & soy.
– If you’re worried about the potential of micro-plastics in your tea, you should also be concerned about pesticide residues.
We support eco-friendly, organic growing methods which have a lower carbon footprint & means no pesticides or petro-chemical fertilizers are used. Otherwise, pesticide & fertilizer residues can remain on tea leaves & end up in your daily cup. Unless teas are grown organically, pesticides & petro-chemical fertilizers contaminate eco-systems, waterways, disrupt the food chain & pose health risks to tea farmers & wildlife.